The Norman Conquests: Living Together

The Norman Conquests, a farce, not historical drama, is playing at Northern Stage.  While I know it’s British and by renown playwright Alan Ayckbourn, it reminded me of the old TV show, Dallas.  Impossible people under one roof, at times exasperating, but in the end, you still want to know who shot JR.


You can read my review here:

White River Junction: One Afternoon’s Urban Crawl

My latest article:  an afternoon’s walk (or “crawl”) through White River Junction–the Upper Valley’s hippest . .


Here is the link:

The Hood Can’t Go Dark: John Stomberg

The Hood Museum has closed.  What’s a museum (and its director) to do?  Read about my conversation with John Stomberg, Director of the Hood Museum of Art, at my blog, ArtfulEdge, by clicking here:



Beer, Bread Pudding, and 5 Storytellers

Storytelling.  Who would have thought that you could sell an old-fashioned art form to the screen-addicted?  AVA Gallery and Art Center, that’s who, and to a sold-out crowd.  See the review for my blog, ArtfulEdge, for the dailyUV by clicking here:

mudroom shoes